Perspectives provides a space for people working in palliative care – practitioners, educators, service managers and advocates – to present their view on an aspect of palliative care they consider especially important. Perspectives will be many and varied, and they will all help answer the key question “What can make good quality palliative care available to more people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia?”.

Perspectives on palliative care
Perspectives provides a space for people working in palliative care – practitioners, educators, service managers and advocates – to present their view on an aspect of palliative care they consider especially important. Perspectives will be many and varied, and they will all help answer the key question “What can make good quality palliative care available to more people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia?”.
Perspectives on palliative care
Perspectives provides a space for people working in palliative care – practitioners, educators, service managers and advocates – to present their view on an aspect of palliative care they consider especially important. Perspectives will be many and varied, and they will all help answer the key question “What can make good quality palliative care available to more people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia?”.
Perspectives on palliative care
Anna Gorchakova is Director of the Belarusian Children's Hospice, and palliative medicine course leader at the Belarusian Medical Postgraduate Academy.
Information, education and partnership – the basis of paediatric palliative care

Anna Gorchakova (Belarus). Director of the Belarusian Children's Hospice, and palliative medicine course leader at theBelarusian Medical Postgraduate Academy.

I have worked in palliative care for 28 years and been lucky to learn from pioneers of modern palliative care. From the beginning, they helped me understand that good palliative care is not just about building hospices – it is about a team working with the right philosophy and a systematic approach. Only then can we address the individual needs of each family.

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A new Perspective will be published each month and we are always looking for contributors. If you would like to write about what matters to you, please contact

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