
Video "Palliative care in Russia: a priority project"

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Why should the development of palliative care in the Russian Federation become a priority project?

According to the 323 Federal Law, palliative medical care is a set of medical interventions aimed at relieving pain and alleviating other severe manifestations of disease to improve the quality of life of terminally ill citizens. Comprehensive assistance to the terminally ill and their families is one of the most important indicators of quality of life. It is a guarantee of well-being for both a region and a country as a whole. Thus, it is in the state's interest to help those who can no longer be cured.

It is within our power to allow people to spend the most challenging period of life without pain and resentment but with gratitude.

The priority project is "Improving the quality and accessibility of palliative care in the Russian Federation".Palliative care is the least costly type of medical care, as it does not involve diagnostics and expensive treatment but only symptomatic therapy, pain relief, and care. Every year, up to 80% of those who die need such care, but with the current state of palliative care in the country, comprehensive quality care is provided to less than 15% of those in need.

Low accessibility of pain relief, insufficient availability of home palliative care, lack of standards and protocols for working with terminally ill patients, and lack of trained medical personnel, – are the main problems in the field of palliative care provision in the Russian Federation. According to international standards, one hospice should provide for a district with a population of 300-400 thousand. Almost no federal district in Russia meets the population's need for palliative care even halfway.

According to statistics, in 2016, more than one million three hundred thousand people needed palliative care in Russia; in reality, more than 18 million of them, as about 17 friends and relatives, also need help and support for each patient. To date, in the Russian Federation, these people have officially not been counted as the audience for palliative care. Meanwhile, according to the WHO definition, palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life not only for patients but also for their families. When left alone with a dying relative, people face both the bitterness of loss and other accompanying problems that palliative care can and should take on. The priority project is a plan of specific steps that will fundamentally change the situation and build an effectively functioning palliative care system.

  • Organization of palliative care
  • Personnel and Education
  • Drug Provision
  • Regulatory Regulation

By 2025, the provision of painkillers to those in need of palliative care will increase more than 20 times. A system for staffing and educating medical and non-medical professionals in palliative care is being created. The number of doctors providing palliative care will increase more than two and a half times.

We are increasing the awareness of patients and medical staff about the possibility of receiving palliative care.

A necessary condition for the development of palliative care for those who cannot be cured is to make changes to the legislative base of the Russian Federation. Creating an interdepartmental system for providing medical and social services in palliative care will significantly increase the number of patients who have received it. One of the indicators of change will be raising the rating of the Russian Federation in the WHO World Atlas of Palliative Care from level 3a (countries with separate palliative care centres) to level 4b (countries where palliative care is well integrated into the healthcare system).

The priority project is a significant optimization of the state budget in healthcare. The maintenance of artificial ventilation of the lungs (AVL) at home is six times cheaper than in a hospital. Here alone, the budget optimization is more than 36 billion rubles annually.

In the absence of a need for regular ambulance call-outs and hospitalization of palliative patients to a specialized bed, the budget saving is almost 126 billion rubles per year, and about 265 billion rubles per year is lost by the country's economy due to a decrease in the economic activity of the relatives of palliative patients.

As a result of implementing the project in 2018:

  • A list of drugs absent from the Russian pharmaceutical market and necessary for providing palliative care has been determined.
  • The procedure for providing palliative medical care at the actual place of stay has been regulated.
  • Children's access to pain relief has been simplified by reducing the terms of drug examination.

In 2019:

  • According to the law, hundreds of patients needing artificial ventilation at home receive this help.
  • The launch of a federal information platform for quickly obtaining information on palliative care and analgesia for end-of-life patients with a rating of institutions in the regions has been carried out.

In 2020:

  • Volunteer and socially responsible non-profit organizations carry out palliative care activities in all subjects of the Russian Federation.
  • Resource centres have been opened in 5 subjects to implement typical models for providing palliative care in the regions.

An effectively functioning system of palliative care and sufficient public awareness is a quality of life for more than one and a half million patients, a clear economic benefit for the state, and a guarantee of support for state policies from civil society and the entire third sector.

As a result, 18 million citizens were not embittered but grateful to the state—every year.

That's why it is so essential for palliative care in the Russian Federation to become a priority project not only on a national scale but also in the regions. Especially in the regions.

Help in grief is never forgotten.