
PACED bursaries to the European Association for Palliative Care’s Online Congress, 06-08 October 2021

It provides a place for people to meet – although this year online – and hear new ideas, initiatives and developments from around Europe. This year’s theme was “Exploring New Dimensions” and, given the impact of COVID-19, we heard how the palliative care community has responded to this unprecedented modern challenge.

People from low and middle income countries, where palliative care is often in its relative infancy, can learn so much from these events, but the cost of registering often prevents them from attending. So PACED, in partnership with the EAPC, provided ten bursaries to this year’s Congress for people from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

We received many more requests for bursaries than we could provide, so we picked the successful people to represent a cross-section of countries and roles. Our ‘PACED team’ represented Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine. We look forward to telling you about their experiences of the Congress later during the coming months.
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