2023-06-30 13:03 News Archive

The world gathers online for the Russian palliative care conference, 02-03 November 2021

This year’s conference attracted over 2500 participants, which shows a remarkable level of interest.

The conference theme was ‘Development of palliative care for adults and children’ and the event was organised by the Hospice Care Professionals Association (HCPA), with support from Sechenov University, the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance and the American Eurasian Cancer Alliance. This annual event is the largest educational event in Russia for specialists providing care to adults and children with severe progressive and life-limiting diseases. This year’s conference brought together experts from around the world, with 80 lecturers from 12 countries.

After an opening plenary, the conference divided into three parallel symposiums and, on Tuesday 2nd November, there was a full day, English/Russian bi-lingual symposium on the organisation of palliative care in EECA/CIS countries. With the HCPA’s Chair Diana Nevzorova presiding, this excellent session investigated obstacles and progress in various countries of the region, and included discussion of chronic pain management in palliative care. Alongside this, PACED’s Chief Executive Mike Mandelbaum gave a presentation on new initiatives in professional education in EECA.

A paediatrician from St Petersburg described the conference as “Two days of a miracle” and PACED was equally enthused. “This was an excellent event”, said Mike Mandelbaum, “bringing together practitioners and experts from Russia, EECA and around the world to share ideas and insights. It was a pleasure for PACED to be involved and to receive positive feedback about our work with stakeholders from all around the EECA region.”